Update: Revitalization Project of Our
Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions

The Articles of Incorporation and the CCR’s have been amended and recorded. Copies of these documents can be found under the tab Documents and then All Documents on the Google Drive. The document name is Amendments Recorded October 13, 2021. They can also be found at the county website officialrecords.broward.org/AcclaimWeb. Next click on the Instrument # option then enter this number 117657815.

2024-25 Annual Maintenance Fee

The 2024-2025 Annual Maintenance payment is due on November 1, 2024.  Look for your notice in the mail late September or early October. The Board met on September 10, 2024 and we approved the budget which exceeds our expected income by $7,113. This deficit is within our means to keep the  fee to $155.00. A copy of the budget is available upon request.

House Paint Color Chart

We are using Sherwin Williams paints for the chart. The new charts are ready. When you need a chart please contact the board to request a chart. A sample is shown below. The colors are not exactly as shown you will need to request a physical chart. In addition to these colors all colors are still available from all previous color charts. 

  • Phone: 954-426-8228
  • E-mai:l deerislehoa1985@aol.com

Quote of Day

 Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. Goethe.