All color changes must be, submitted to the Architectural Team, in writing, prior to painting according to Article V, Section 1.

All changes or improvements to your property, building or structural changes, must be submitted in writing to the Architectural Committee for approval per Article V, Section 1. An Architectural Application can be downloaded from the Documents Page.

Commercial vehicles may not be placed, parked or stored where they can be viewed from the street per Article V, Section 14. Small vehicles may be allowed but, all commercial signs must be removed when the vehicle is in the neighborhood.

No boat, trailer of any nature, motor home, or recreational vehicle may be parked or stored where any portion can be viewed from the street per Article V, Section 14.

Yes. A written request with plans must be submitted to the Architectural Committee for approval before installing it per Article V, Section 10.

Yes. (1) For Sale sign per residence, with size and location restrictions. Election signs are (1) per lot. Seasonal signs are allowed one month before the holiday and must be down two weeks after the holiday. Construction, pool, and paint signs are allowed during the construction process. Security signs are allowed. Please note the size & location restrictions noted in the Rules Regarding Signage. No trespassing signs are not allowed. Bad Dog or Beware of Dog signs are allowed as long as you have a dog.

FCC Regulations mandate that we allow antenna’s and satellite dishes, although our covenants state otherwise. We ask that all antenna’s and mini satellite dishes be screened from view by the use of landscaping or positioned out of the public view as much as possible. No clothesline may be visible from the street according to Article VI, Section 12.

City Code dictates that house numbers must be visible from the street and be no less than 3″ high and no more than 1 0″ tall. This is so that public utilities and others can find your home if the need arises. Numbers on mailboxes make it easier for new and current mail carriers and other individuals to have a secondary method of identifying your home.

Yes, with several stipulations. Your home may be leased to only one family, and no portion may be subleased per Article V, Section 3. No more than two people per bedroom. There must be a properly executed written lease for no less than six months. A copy of this lease must be given to the Association with the names of all occupants and information on where to contact the owner of said property. The lease must be presented prior to the tenants moving in. Tenants must be aware of the Association Bylaws and Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. Please review the Rules for Leasing Homes in Deer lsle for further information.

Yes! Pursuant to the rule making authority contained in the governing documents of Deer Isle Homeowner Association, Inc. the Board of Directors upon an unanimous vote has this 8 day of April, 2014 promulgated and passed the following rule: All owners shall store their trash receptacles in either their garage, behind a fence or alongside the side of the dwelling unit but in no event in the front of the dwelling unit. All trash receptacles shall not be placed by or remain by the street twenty four (24) hours before than or after the scheduled refuse pick up.

According to Article IV, Section 1, all dues must be paid to the Homeowners Association. The fiscal year runs from November 1 through October 31. The yearly assessment fees are due before December 1. If these fees are not received by this date, interest will be charged at 18%. Any fees not paid by February 1, will be charged an additional $25 late fee and referred to the Association attorney.

Only if the tree is diseased can it be removed from your property per Article V 1, Section 25. If a tree is removed for this reason, another tree must be replanted on your property. You should also follow city guidelines and contact the city forester for a permit.

No. According to the Rules & Guidelines re: mailboxes, you can only install a standard wooden, metal or C-shaped cement mailbox with planter. No decorative posts are allowed.

You may park between the street and the sidewalk, the swale area, provided you do not overlap the sidewalk or protrude into the street. Parking across any portion of the sidewalk is against the law.

Homeowners you are invited to attend our Monthly Board Meeting if you have questions about these or any other rules and regulations of the Deer Isle Homeowners Association. You can also contact us using the link below.

If you need more information please Contact Us